Network representation

The public API (either C API or Lsctl Configuration Files) gives you tools to build a model of your virtual networks, which LSDN will then realize on top of the physical network, using various tunneling technologies. You will need to tell LSDN both about the virtual networks and the physical network they will be using.

There are three core concepts (objects) LSDN operates with: virtual machines, physical machines and virtual networks. In the rest of the guide (and in the source code) we abbreviate them as virts, physes and nets. If you are wondering if there are any physical networks, then no, LSDN just expects that the physical machines are connected together when needed and that is all.

The terminology is derived from the most common use case, but that does not mean that virts really have to be virtual machines and physes must really be physical machines. For example the virts could be Linux containers and physes could be virtual machines running those containers.

The virts, physes and nets have the following relationships:

  • virts always belong to one net (they can not be moved between nets)
  • virts are connected at one of the physes (however, they can be reconnected at a different phys, in other words, they can migrate)
  • physes attach to a net – this tells LSDN that the phys will have virts connecting to the network [1].

Each of these objects can also have attributes – for example physes can have an IP address (some network tunneling technologies require this information) and virts can have a MAC address (network tunnels not supporting MAC learning require this information).

One of the attributes common to all objects is a name. A name does not have impact on the functionality of the network, but you can use it to keep track of the object. If you are using Lsctl Configuration Files, it is more or less mandatory, because it is the only way to refer to an object if you want to change it at a later point (for example when you want to migrate a virt). If you do not specify a name, one will be generated for you. This ensures that the the export/dump mechanism will always be able to create cross-references.

Collectively, the model is represented by a LSDN context, which contains all the physes, virts and nets. Context is a well known concept in C libraries, which essentially replaces global variables and ensures that the library can be safely used by multiple clients in the same process.


LSDN is not thread-safe. It assumes that a given context is never accessed concurrently. Different context can be accessed concurrently.


[1]In theory LSDN could figure out if a phys should be attached to a net just by checking if any of its virts are attached to that net. But we have decided to make this explicit. LSDN checks if physes connected to the same net have certain properties (for example their IP address must use the same IP version) and we did not want to make these checks implicit. A switch may be provided in future versions, though.

Networks and their settings

LSCTL: net, settings

C API: lsdn_net_new() and various lsdn_settings_*.

Virtual networks are defined by their virtual network identifier (VID) and the settings for the tunneling technology they should use. The VID is a numeric identifier used to separate one virtual network from another and is mapped to VLAN IDs, VXLAN IDs or similar identifiers. The allowed range of the VID is defined by the used tunneling technology and must be unique among all networks of the same type [2].

The used networking overlay technology (and any options related to that, like VXLAN port) is encapsulated in the settings object, which serves as a template for the new networks (with only the VID changing each time). A list of supported networking technologies is in the chapter Supported tunneling technologies, including the additional options they support.

Like other objects, networks can have a name. However, they do not have any other attributes, since everything important for their functioning is part of the settings. Settings can have names and lsctl reserves a the name default for unnamed settings.


[2]In theory, they could overlap if the nets are always connected to different physes (and so there are is no ambiguity), but LSDN still checks that they are globally unique.


LSCTL: virt

C API: lsdn_virt_new(), lsdn_virt_connect(), lsdn_virt_set_mac()

virts are the computers/virtual machines that are going to connect to the virtual network. From LSDN’s standpoint, they are just network interfaces that exist on a phys (usually tap for a virtual machine or veth for a container). LSDN does not care what is on the other end.

When creating a virt you have to specify which virtual network it is going to be part of. This can not be changed later. If you remove the network, all it’s virts will be removed as well.

A virt also can not be part of multiple virtual networks. The recommended solution in that case is to simply create one virt for each virtual network you are going to connect to. In this sense virt can be described not as a virtual machine, but as a network interface of a virtual machine.

Once created, you can specify which phys this virt will connect at and how is its network interface named on that phys. If you are using LSCTL, just run virt with a new -phys argument. In C API use lsdn_virt_connect(). If the virt was already connected, it will be reconnected (migrated) to the new phys (you want to do this in sync with the final stage of the migration of the virtual machine itself).

Like other objects, virts can have names for your convenience. The names do not have to be unique globally, but just inside of a single net.

Depending on the networking technology used, you may also need to inform LSDN about the virtual machine’s MAC address (currently only one MAC address can be assigned, this may change in future versions). LSDN will use this MAC address for routing network packets to the machine.

Firewall rules

LSCTL: rule

C API: lsdn_vr_new() and other functions (see Rules engine)

You can filter out specific packets based on their source/destination IP address range and source/destination MAC address range. The filtering can be done independently on ingress and egress traffic.

The filtering rules are organized by their priority. All rules inside a given priority must match against the same target (a target is a masked part of an IP or MAC address – for example first octet of the IP address) and must be unique. This restriction exists to ensure that only deterministic rules can be defined.

Unfortunately, currently there is no way to ACCEPT packets early, as is common in e.g. iptables.


LSCTL: rate

C API: lsdn_virt_set_rate_in(), lsdn_virt_set_rate_out()

You can limit the amount of traffic going in or out of the virt for each direction. There are three settings:

  • avg_rate provides the basic bandwidth limit
  • burst_size allows the traffic to overshoot the limit for certain number of bytes
  • burst_rate (optional) absolute bandwidth limit applied even if traffic is allowed to overshoot avg_rate

If you do not want to allow any bursting, specify burst_rate equal to the maximum size of a single packet (the MTU). Setting burst_rate to zero will not work.


LSCTL: phys, attach, claimLocal

C API: lsdn_phys_new(), lsdn_phys_set_ip(), lsdn_phys_claim_local()

physes are used to described the underlying physical machines that will run your virtual machines.

You will tell LSDN which machine it is currently running on (using claimLocal or lsdn_phys_claim_local()). LSDN will then make sure that the virts running on this machine are connected to the rest of the virts running on the other machines.

If your machine has multiple separate network interfaces (not bonded), you will want to create a new phys for each network interface on that machine and claim all such physes as local. In this sense, a phys is not a physical machine but a network interface of a physical machine.

This use-case is not meant for a case where both network interfaces are connected to the same physical network and you just want to choose which one will be used. LSDN does not support two physes claimed as local connecting to the same virtual network for technical reasons, so it will not work.

Like other objects, physes can have names. They can also have and ip attribute, specifying IP address for the network overlay technologies that require it.


LSCTL: validate

C API: lsdn_validate()

The validation step in LSDN serves to validate the network model. There are several reasons why the validation step is present in LSDN. One reason is that when a network model is being gradually built up using the C API the user does not have to worry too much about the order in which network objects are being created as long as the final netmodel is valid. The intermediate steps are not being checked on-the-fly. For example when creating a virtual machine its MAC attribute may be specified just before committing the network model even though for a particular network type this information may be mandatory (this is specified for each network type in networking technology).

Another advantage of this approach is that when there are problems detected during the validation phase they will all get reported one by one. LSDN conveniently provides a lsdn_problem_stderr_handler() function which will report every detected problem on the standard error output. It is also possible to invoke the lsdn_validate() step with a different error handler. This error handler must have the same function signature as lsdn_problem_stderr_handler().

This way you can try some network scenario and if the validation reports to you some problems it has detected in the network model you may fix all these issues at once and perhaps the next network validation phase will succeed.

Every host participating in a network must share a compatible network representation. This usually means that all hosts have the same model, presumably read from a common configuration file or installed through a single orchestrator. It is then necessary to claim (or lsdn_phys_claim_local()) a phys as local, so that LSDN knows on which machine it is running. Several restrictions also apply to the creation of networks in LSDN.

Fixing all the issues present in your network model in the validation step greatly reduces the risk of creating inconsistent network models in the kernel and it also alleviates the complexity of the creation of the individual network objects in the right order inside the kernel.

The validation phase will ensure the network model does not violate any of the restrictions listed in Network Restrictions.


LSCTL: commit

C API: lsdn_commit()

Commiting a network model means telling LSDN to actually set-up the network inside Linux kernel.

When we commit a network model the first thing LSDN does it validates the whole network model. Only if the validation phase succeeds, the commit phase may proceed. This way the user does not even need to be aware of the validation phase involved and can only commit the netmodel when appropriate. This often eliminates the possibility of getting the network in some undesirable state.

We need to be able to distinguish among network objects already created and committed in the kernel and network objects newly created, but not yet committed. LSDN will keep track of the state of each network object. Basically what we need to do is to remember which objects are already present in the kernel in their most up-to-date state and which objects have been newly created or updated since the last time they have been committed (if ever) and which objects have been deleted. Each attribute you add, remove from or change on a network object is considered as an update of this object.

If you want to know more about LSDN state management and also to view a diagram of all states and transitions between these states have a look at the Netmodel implementation section.

It is important to note that any updates exercised on the kernel data structures representing our network objects are only performed on local objects, where:

However, local objects may sometimes need to be updated as a result of a non local network object being added, updated or removed. E.g. when a MAC address of a non local virt changes inside a network where this information is mandatory (such as in static VXLAN networks) then local routing information in the kernel must be updated.

Also, there are transitive dependencies among the network objects. In particular, when:

  • virt is deleted then all its Firewall rules and QoS are deleted as well,
  • net is deleted then all its virts are deleted as well,
  • phys is deleted then all virts attached to this phys are deleted as well,
  • settings are deleted then all nets of this type are deleted as well.

After the initial validation step is completed, LSDN will then proceed with the actual commit phase which is further subdivided into two subphases:

  • decommit
  • recommit

In the decommit subphase LSDN will consider all the network objects that need to be either updated or deleted and it will delete both of these objects from the kernel data structures. However, LSDN will keep track of those objects which have been initially updated, but not deleted, as they will need to be committed back again in the next subphase.

The second subphase is the recommit phase in which LSDN will iterate over all local phys objects and commit any new or updated virts residing on this phys.

You can perhaps think of the whole commit phase as finding the smallest possible delta between the objects ready to be committed and those already committed. In the special case of committing for the very first time we can imagine we have only committed an empty network model (which, by the way, is also possible to do).

Unfortunately, things can go wrong in the commit phase even when the network model passes the validation phase. Depending on the phase at which an error occured we may or may not be able to keep the network model consistent.

If an error occurs in the recommit phase, a limited rollback is performed and the kernel rules remain in mixed state. Some objects may have been successfully committed, others might still be in the old state because the commit failed. In such cases the user can retry the commit to install the remaining objects.

If an error occurs in the decommit phase, however, there is no safe way to recover. Given that kernel rules are not installed atomically and there are usually several rules tied to an object, LSDN can’t know what is the installed state after rule removal fails. In this case the model is considered to be in an inconsistent state. The only way to proceed is to tear down the whole model and reconstruct it from scratch.

Error Handling

C API: lsdn_context_set_nomem_callback(), lsdn_context_abort_on_nomem(), lsdn_err_t

During construction of the network model there are several things that can go wrong. LSDN will report these errors to the user of the C API. All the possible error types are grouped in lsdn_err_t.

A successful operation will return the LSDNE_OK error code.

When parsing an IP address of a phys or when parsing a MAC attribute of a virt the operation may fail if the provided address is invalid. In that case LSDN will report this as a LSDNE_PARSE error.

When assigning a name to a network object (such as virt, phys or net) the assignment may fail with the LSDNE_DUPLICATE error code if an object of the same type with this name already exists.

A LSDNE_NOIF error code will be returned when querying the recommended MTU for a virt if the given virt has no locally assigned interface (see lsdn_virt_get_recommended_mtu()).

A LSDNE_NETLINK error code is returned when LSDN is unable to establish a netlink socket for communicating with the kernel.

LSDNE_VALIDATE is returned when the network model validation failed. This can happen while validating the network with validate or lsdn_validate(). It can also happen when committing the network model with commit or lsdn_commit(), because the network model is always validated first. In the latter case of committing the network model, the current network model will stay in effect.

The LSDNE_COMMIT error code means a network model commit failed and a mix of old, new and dysfunctional objects are in effect. You may retry the commit and see if the error was only temporary.

LSDNE_INCONSISTENT is more serious than the LSDNE_COMMIT failure, since the commit operation can not be successfully retried. The only operation possible is to rebuild the whole model again.

You may also encounter a LSDNE_NOMEM error. LSDN deals with out-of-memory errors in the following fashion: whenever it fails to allocate dynamic memory it will call a registered callback (if any) that may deal with this error as it sees fit. The callback is registered with the lsdn_context_set_nomem_callback() function. It is possible to set a default handler using lsdn_context_abort_on_nomem() function provided by LSDN. This error handler will simply print an error message on the standard error output and will immediately abort the program should any dynamic memory allocation fail. Of course, you may register your own out-of-memory callback as long as the function signature of the callback is that of lsdn_context_abort_on_nomem(). You can also use the callback to implement a setjmp/longjmp error handling scheme.

If no nomem callback is registered (the default), the LSDNE_NOMEM error is simply returned to the caller.


The LSDN library and the lsctl tool both respect the LSDN_DEBUG environment variable. If you have any problem when committing a model, try setting LSDN_DEBUG=nlerr to print extended netlink messages. Alternatively, you can try LSDN_DEBUG=all for very verbose output.

LSDN_DEBUG accepts a comma separated list of the following message categories:

Category Description
netops High-level network commit operations (add virt, phys etc.)
rules Creation and deletion of TC flower rules.
nlerr Errors returned from kernel (mostly netlink).
all All of the above

Supported tunneling technologies

Currently LSDN supports three network tunneling technologies: VLAN, VXLAN (in three variants) and Geneve. They are all configured the same in LSDN (only the settings differ), but it is important to realize what technology you are using and what restrictions it has.

Theoretically, you should be able to define your network model once and then switch the networking technologies as you wish. But in practice some technologies may need more detailed network models than others. For example, ovl_vxlan_mcast does not need to known the MAC addresses of the virtual machines and ovl_vlan does not need to know the IP addresses of the physical machines nor the MAC addresses of the virtual machines.


Available as: settings vlan (lsctl), lsdn_settings_new_vlan() (C API).

Also known as 802.1Q, VLAN is a Layer-2 tagging technology, that extends the Ethernet frame with a 12-bit VLAN tag. LSDN needs no additional information to setup this type of network, as it relies on the networking equipment along the way to route packets (typically using MAC learning).

If either the physical network already uses VLAN tagging (the physical computers are connected to a VLAN segment) or the virtual network will be using tagging, then the networking equipment along the way must support this. The support is called 802.1ad or sometimes QinQ.

  • 12 bit vid
  • Physical nodes in the same virtual network must by located on the same Ethernet network
  • Care must be taken when nesting


VXLAN is a Layer-3 UDP-based tunneling protocol. It is available in three variants in LSDN, depending on the routing method used. All of the variants need the connected participating physical machines to have the IP attribute set and they must all see each other on the IP network directly (no NAT).

VXLAN tags have 24 bits (16 million networks). VXLANs by default use UDP port 4789, but this is configurable and could in theory be used to expand the vid space. LSDN currently does not do this.


VXLANs support IPv6 addresses, but they can not be mixed with IPv4. All physical nodes must use the same IP version and the version of multicast address for Multicast VXLAN must be the same. This does not prevent you from using both IPv6 and IPv4 on the same physical node for other purposes than LSDN, you just have to choose one version for the phys IP attribute.


Available as: settings vxlan/mcast (lsctl), lsdn_settings_new_vxlan_mcast() (C API).

This is a self configuring variant of VXLANs. No further information for any machine needs to be provided, because the VXLAN routes all unknown and broadcast packets to a designated multicast IP address and the VXLAN iteratively learns the source IP addresses. Hence the only additional information is the multicast group IP address.

  • 24 bit vid
  • Physical nodes in the same virtual network must be reachable on the IP layer
  • UDP and IP header overhead
  • Requires multicast support


Available as: settings vxlan/e2e (lsctl), lsdn_settings_new_vxlan_e2e() (C API).

Partially self-configuring variant of VXLANs. LSDN must be informed about the IP address of each physical machine participating in the network using the IP attribute. All unknown and broadcast packets are sent to all the physical machines and the VXLAN iteratively learns the IP address - MAC address mapping.

  • 24 bit vid
  • Physical nodes in the same virtual network must be reachable on the IP layer
  • UDP and IP header overhead
  • Unknown and broadcast packets are duplicated for each physical machine

Fully static

Available as: settings vxlan/static (lsctl), lsdn_settings_new_vxlan_static() (C API).

VXLAN with fully static packet routing. LSDN must be informed about the IP address of each physical machine and the MAC address of each virtual machine participating in the network. LSDN then constructs a routing table from this information. Broadcast packets are duplicated and sent to all machines.

  • 24 bit vid
  • Physical nodes in the same virtual network must be reachable on the IP layer
  • UDP and IP header overhead
  • Unknown and broadcast packets are duplicated for each physical machine
  • The virtual network is not fully opaque (MAC addresses of virtual machines must be known).


Available as: settings geneve (lsctl), lsdn_settings_new_geneve() (C API).

Geneve is a Layer-3 UDP-based tunneling protocol. All participating physical machines must see each other on the IP network directly (no NAT).

Geneve uses fully static routing. LSDN must be informed about the IP address of each physical machine (using IP attribute) and MAC address of each virtual machine participating in the network.

  • 24 bit vid
  • Physical nodes in the same virtual network must be reachable on the IP layer
  • UDP and IP header overhead
  • Unknown and broadcast packets are duplicated for each physical machine
  • The virtual network is not fully opaque (MAC addresses of virtual machines must be known).

No tunneling

Available as: settings direct (lsctl), lsdn_settings_new_direct() (C API).

No separation between the networks. You can use this type of network for corner cases, like connecting a VM serving as an internet gateway to a dedicated interface. In this case no separation is needed nor desired.

Network Restrictions

Certain restrictions apply to the set of possible networks and their configurations that can be created using LSDN. Anywhere where the keyword mandatory is written in the following list with regards to a network type, please refer to Supported tunneling technologies to see if the rule applies to a given network type:

  • You can not assign the same MAC address to two different virts that are part of the same net,
  • Any two nets of the same network type must not be assigned the same virtual network identifier,
  • Any two VXLAN networks sharing the same phys, where one network is of type Fully static and the other is either of type Endpoint-to-Endpoint or Multicast, must use different UDP ports,
  • A virt must be explicitly assigned a MAC address when this is mandatory for a given network type,
  • IP address has been specified for a phys if it hosts a net where this information is mandatory,
  • No duplicate IP addresses were specified for any two phys,
  • All phys attached to the same net have the same IP versions of their IP addresses,
  • While trying to connect a virt to a net on phys, the phys is attached to net,
  • Interface specified for virt exists,
  • No duplicate MAC addresses were specified for any two virts connected to the same net if this attribute is mandatory for a given network type,
  • Any two nets created on the same phys have compatible network types,
  • The virtual network identifier is within the allowed range for a given network type where this is mandatory,
  • No two nets of the same network type have the same virtual network identifier,
  • No two rules on the same virt sharing the same priority have different match targets or masks,
  • Two rules on the same virt sharing the same priority are not equal,
  • QoS rates specified for a virt are within the allowed range (rate).