If you plan on hacking LSCTL, this chapter is for you. It will describe the available internal APIs and how they interact.

Project organization (components)

The core of LSDN is the lsdn library (liblsdn.so), which implements all of the C API – the netmodel handling and the individual network types. The library itself relies on libmnl library for netlink communication helpers, libjson for its ability to dump netmodel into JSON and uthash for hash tables.

The command-line tools (lsctl and lsctld) are built upon our lsdn-tclext library, which provides the lsctl language engine and is layered on the C API. For more info, see Command-line.

The lsdn library itself is composed of several layers/components (see Fig. 3 for illustration). At the bottom layer, we have several mostly independent utility components:

  • nettypes.c manipulates, parses and prints IP addresses and MAC addresses
  • nl.c provides functions do to more complex netlink tasks than libmnl provides - create interfaces, manipulate QDiscs, filters etc.
  • names.c provides naming tables for netmodel objects, so that we can find physes, virts etc. by name
  • log.c simple logging to stderr governed by the LSDN_DEBUG environment variable
  • errors.c contains lsdn_err_t error codes and infrastructure for reporting commit problems (which do not use simple lsdn_err_t errors). The actual problem reporting relies on the netmodel lsdn_context.
  • list.h embedded linked-list implementation (every C project needs its own :) )

The netmodel core (in net.c and lsdn.c) is responsible for maintaining the network model and managing its life-cycle (more info in Netmodel implementation).

For this, it relies on the rules (in rules.c) system, which helps you manage a chain of TC flower filters and their rules. The system also allows the firewall rules (given by the user) and the routing rules (defined by the virtual network topology) to share the same flower table. However, the sharing is currently not done, because we instead opted to share the routing table among all virts connected through the given phys instead. Since firewall rules are per-virt, they can not live in the shared table. Another function of this module is that it helps us overcome the limit of having at most 32 actions in the kernel for our broadcast rules.

The netmodel core only manages the aspects common to all network types – life cycle, firewall rules and QoS, but calls back to a concrete network type plugin for constructing the virtual network. This is done through the lsdn_net_ops structure and is described more thoroughly in How to support a new network type.

The currently supported network types are in net_direct.c, net_vlan.c, net_vxlan.c (all types of VXLANs) and net_geneve.c. Depending on the type of the network (learning vs static), the network implementations rely on either lbridge.c, a Linux learning bridge, or sbridge.c, a static bridge constructed from TC rules. The Linux bridge is pretty self-explanatory, but you can read out more about the TC rule madness in Static bridge.

Finally, liblsdn also has support for dumping the netmodel in LSCTL and JSON formats, to be either used as configuration files or consumed by other applications (in dump.c).

digraph layering {
node [shape=record]
compound = true

lsctlc [label = <<i>lsctlc</i> program>]
lsctld [label = <<i>lsctld</i> program>]
lsctl [label = <<i>lsctl</i> program>]
tclext [label = <<i>lsctl-tclext</i> library>]

subgraph cluster_liblsdn {
    label = <<i>lsdn</i> library>
    color = black

    json_dump [label = "JSON dump"]
    lsctl_dump [label = "lsctl dump"]
    vxlan_static [label = "static vxlan"]
    vxlan_e2e [label = "e2e vxlan"]
    vxlan_mcast [label = "mcast vxlan"]
    subgraph cluster_util {
        label = <utility modules>;

lsctl_dump -> json_dump
json_dump -> netmodel
lsctld -> tclext
lsctl -> tclext
tclext -> netmodel
netmodel -> {vlan vxlan_static vxlan_e2e vxlan_mcast geneve direct}
{vlan vxlan_e2e vxlan_mcast} -> lbridge
{vxlan_static geneve} -> sbridge
sbridge -> rules
netmodel -> rules

# Layout hacks

# Needed not to render tools parallel with subgraph in parallel
tclext -> lsctl_dump [style=invis]

rules -> list [style=invis ltail=cluster_util]

Fig. 3 Components and dependencies

Netmodel implementation

The network model (in lsdn.c) provides functions that are not specific to any network type. This includes QoS, firewall rules and basic validation.

Importantly, it also provides the state management needed for implementing the commit functionality, which is important for the overall ease-of-use of the C API. The network model layer must keep track of both the current state of the network model and what is committed. Also it tracks which objects have changed attributes and need to be updated. Finally, it keeps track of objects that were deleted by the user, but are still commited.

For this, it is important to understand a life-cycle of an object, illustrated in Fig. 4.

digraph states {
T [shape = point ];
T -> NEW [color = "blue"];
NEW -> NEW [label = "update", color = "blue"];
NEW -> free [label = "free", color = "blue"];
NEW -> OK [label = "commit", color = "green"];
NEW -> NEW [label = "c. error", color = "orange" ];
NEW -> FAIL [label = "c. fail", color = "red"];
OK -> RENEW [label = "update", color = "blue"];
OK -> DELETE [label = "free", color = "blue"];
OK -> OK [label = "commit", color = "green"];
DELETE -> free [label = "commit", color = "green"];
DELETE -> free [label = "c. fail", color = "red"];
DELETE -> free [label = "c. error", color = "orange"];
RENEW -> RENEW [label = "update", color = "blue"];

RENEW -> DELETE [label = "free", color = "blue"];
RENEW -> NEW [label = "c. error", color = "orange"];
RENEW -> FAIL [label = "c. fail", color = "red"];
RENEW -> OK [label = "commit", color = "green"];
FAIL -> free [label = "free", color = "blue" ];
FAIL -> FAIL [label = "update", color = "blue" ];
FAIL -> FAIL [label = "c. fail", color = "red" ];

Fig. 4 Object states. Blue lines denote update (attribute change, free), green lines commit, orange lines errors during commit, red lines errors where recovery has failed.

The objects always start in the NEW state, indicating that they will be actually created with the nearest commit. If they are freed, the free call is done immediately. Any update leaves them in the NEW state, since there is nothing to update yet.

Once a NEW object is successfully committed, it moves to the OK state. A commit has no effect on an OK object, since it is up-to-date.

If a OK object is freed, it is moved to the DELETE state, but its memory is retained until commit is called and the object is deleted from kernel. The objects in DELETE state can not be updated, since they are no longer visible and should not be used by the user of the API. Also, they can not be found by their name.

If an OK object is updated, it is moved to the RENEW state. This means that on the next update, it is removed from the kernel, moved to NEW state, and in the same commit added back to the kernel and moved once again to the OK state. Updating the RENEW object again does nothing and freeing it moves it to the DELETE state, since that takes precedence.

If a commit for some reason fails, LSDN tries to unroll all operations for that object and returns the object to a temporary ERR state. After the commit has ended, it moves all objects from ERR state to the NEW state. This means that on the next commit, the operations will be retried again, unless the user decides to delete the object.

If even the unrolling fails, the object is moved to the FAIL state. The only possibility for the user is to release its memory. If the object was originally already deleted, it bypasses the FAIL state.


If validation fails, commit is not performed at all and object states do not change at all.

How to support a new network type

LSDN does not have an official stable extension API, but the network modules are intended to be mostly separate from the rest of the code. However, there are still a few places you will need to touch.

To support a new type of network :

  • add your network to the lsdn_nettype enum (in private/lsdn.h)
  • add the settings for your network to the lsdn_settings struct (in private/lsdn.h). Place them in the anonymous union, where settings for other types are placed.
  • declare a function lsdn_settings_new_xxx (in include/lsdn.h)
  • create a new file net_xxx.c for all your code and add it to the CMakeLists.txt file

The settings_new function will inform LSDN how to use your network type. Do not forget to do the following things in your settings_new function:

  • allocate new lsdn_settings structure via malloc

  • initialize the settings using lsdn_settings_init_common function

  • fill in the:

    • nettype (as you have added above)
    • switch_type (static, partially static, or learning, purely informational, has no effect)
    • ops (lsdn_net_ops will be described shortly)
  • return the new settings

Also note that your function will be part of the C API and should use ret_err to return error codes (instead of plain return), to provide correct error handling (see Error codes and error handling).

However, the most important part of the settings is the lsdn_net_ops structure – the callbacks invoked by LSDN to let you construct the network. First let us have a quick look at the structure definition (full commented definition is in the source code or Generated Doxygen Documentation):

struct lsdn_net_ops

Public Members

char* type
uint16_t(*get_port)(struct lsdn_settings *s)
lsdn_ip_t(*get_ip)(struct lsdn_settings *s)
lsdn_err_t(*create_pa)(struct lsdn_phys_attachment *pa)
lsdn_err_t(*add_virt)(struct lsdn_virt *virt)
lsdn_err_t(*add_remote_pa)(struct lsdn_remote_pa *pa)
lsdn_err_t(*add_remote_virt)(struct lsdn_remote_virt *virt)
lsdn_err_t(*destroy_pa)(struct lsdn_phys_attachment *pa)
lsdn_err_t(*remove_virt)(struct lsdn_virt *virt)
lsdn_err_t(*remove_remote_pa)(struct lsdn_remote_pa *pa)
lsdn_err_t(*remove_remote_virt)(struct lsdn_remote_virt *virt)
void(*validate_net)(struct lsdn_net *net)
void(*validate_pa)(struct lsdn_phys_attachment *pa)
void(*validate_virt)(struct lsdn_virt *virt)
unsigned int(*compute_tunneling_overhead)(struct lsdn_phys_attachment *pa)

The first callback that will be called is lsdn_net_ops::create_pa. PA is a shorthand for phys attachment and the call means that the physical machine this LSDN is managing has attached to a virtual network. Typically you will need to prepare a tunnel(s) connecting to the virtual network and a bridge connecting the tunnel(s) to the virtual machines (they will be connected later).

If your network does all packet routing by itself, use the lbridge.c module. It will create an ordinary Linux bridge and allow you to connect your tunnel interface via that bridge. We assume your tunnel has a Linux network interface. If not, you will have to come up with some other way of connecting it to the Linux bridge, or use something else than a Linux bridge. In that case, feel free not to use lbridge.c and do custom processing in lsdn_net_ops::create_pa.

If the routing in your network is static, use Static bridge. It will allow you to setup a set of flower rules for routing the packets, ending in custom TC actions. In these actions, you will typically set-up the required routing metadata for the packet and send it of.

After the PA is created, you will receive other callbacks.

The lsdn_net_ops::add_virt callback is called when a new virtual machine has connected on the phys your are managing. Typically, you will add the virtual machine to the bridge you have created previously.

If your network is learning, you are almost done. But if it is static, you will want to handle lsdn_net_ops::add_remote_pa and lsdn_net_ops::add_remote_virt. These callbacks inform you about the other physical machines and virtual machines that have joined the virtual network. If the routing is static, you need to be informed about them to correctly set-up the routing information (see Static bridge). Depending on the implementation of the tunnels in Linux, you may also need to create tunnels for each other remote machine. In that case, the lsdn_net_ops::add_remote_pa callback is the right place.

Finally, you need to fill in the lsdn_net_ops::type with the name of your network type. This will be used as an identifier in the JSON dumps. At this point you might want to decide if your network should be supported in Lsctl Configuration Files and modify lsext.c accordingly. The network type names in LSCTL and JSON should match.

The other callbacks are mandatory. Naturally, you will want to implement the remove/destroy callbacks for all your add/create callbacks. There are also validation callbacks, that allow you to reject invalid network configuration early (see Validation). Finally, LSDN can check the uniqueness of the listening IP address/port combinations your tunnels use, if you provide them using lsdn_net_ops::get_ip and lsdn_net_ops::get_port.

Since an example is the best explanation, we encourage you to look at some of the existing plugins – VLAN (net_vlan.c) for learning networks, Geneve (net_geneve.c) for static networks.

Static bridge

The static-bridge subsystem provides helper functions to help you manage an L2 router built on TC flower rules and actions. Because it is based on TC it can be integrated with the metadata based Linux tunnels.

Metadata-based tunnels (or sometimes called lightweight IP tunnels) are Linux tunnels that can choose their tunnel endpoint by looking at a special packet metadata. This means you do not need to create a new network interface for each endpoint you want to communicate with, but one shared interface can be used, with only the metadata changing. In our case, we use TC actions to set these metadata depending on the destination MAC address (since we know where a virtual machine with that MAC lives). The setup is illustrated in Fig. 5.

graph sbridge {
{VM1 VM2} -- sbridge1
{VM3 VM4} -- sbridge2
{sbridge1 sbridge2} -- sbridge_phys_if
{sbridge1 sbridge2} -- sbridge_phys_if
sbridge_phys_if -- phys_if
sbridge_phys_if -- phys_if
sbridge_phys_if -- phys_if
sbridge_phys_if -- phys_if

sbridge1 [label=<TC bridge for virtual network 1>]
sbridge2 [label=<TC bridge for virtual network 2>]
sbridge_phys_if [label=<Metadata tunnel>]
phys_if [label=<Physical network interface>]

Fig. 5 Two virtual networks using a static routing (using TC) and shared metadata tunnel. Lines illustrate a connection of each VM.

The static bridge is not a simple implementation of Linux bridge in TC. A bridge is a virtual interface with multiple enslaved interfaces connected to it. However, the static bridge needs to deal with the tunnel metadata during its routing. For that, it provides the following C structures:

Struct lsdn_sbridge represents the bridge as a whole. Internally, it will create a helper interface to hold the routing rules.

Struct lsdn_sbridge_phys_if represents a Linux network interface connected to the bridge. This will typically be a virtual machine interface or a tunnel. Unlike with a classic bridge, a single interface may be connected to multiple bridges.

Struct lsdn_sbridge_if represents the connection of sbridge_phys_if to the bridge. For virtual machines sbridge_if and sbridge_phys_if will be in a one to one correspondence, since virtual machine can not be connected to multiple bridges. If a sbridge is shared, you have to provide a criteria splitting up the traffic, usually by the virtual network identifier.

Struct lsdn_sbridge_route represents a route through given sbridge_if. For a virtual machine, there will be just a single route, but metadata tunnel interfaces can provide multiple routes, each leading to a different physical machine. The users of the static-bridge module must provide TC actions to set the correct metadata for that route.

Struct lsdn_sbridge_mac tells LSDN to use a given route when sending packets to a given MAC address. There will be a sbridge_mac for each VM on a physical machine where the route leads.

The structures above need to be created from LSDN callbacks. For a network with static routing, and metadata tunnels, the correspondence will look similar to this:

callback sbridge
create_pa (first call) create phys_if for tunnel
create_pa create sbridge and if for tunnel
add_virt create if, route and mac
add_remote_pa create route for the physical machine
add_remote_virt create mac for the route


The Lsctl Configuration Files are interpreted by the lsdn-tclext library. We have chosen to use the TCL language as a basis for our configuration language. Although it might seem as a strange choice, it provides bigger flexibility for creating DSLs than let’s say JSON or YAML. Basically, TCL enforces just a single syntactic rule:{} and [] parentheses.

Originally, we had a YAML configuration parser, but the project has changed its heading very significantly and the parser was left behind. TCL bindings were done as a quick experiment and have aged quite well since then. The YAML parser was later abandoned altogether.

Naturally, there are advantages to JSON/YAML too. Since our language is Turing complete, it is not as easily analyzed by machines. However, it is always possible to just run the configuration scripts and then examine the network model afterwards. The TCL approach also brings a lot of features for free: conditional compilation, variables, loops etc.

lsdn-tclext library is a collection of TCL commands. One way to use it is in a custom host program (that is lsctl and lsctld). The program will use libtcl to create a TCL interpreter and then call lsdn-tclext to register the LSDN specific commands.

lsctld creates the interpreter, registers the LSDN commands, binds to a Unix domain socket and listens for commands. The commands (received as plain strings) are fed to the interpreter and stdout and stderr is sent back.

lsctlc does not depend on TCL or lsdn-tclext, since it is a simple netcat-like program that simply pipes its input to the running lsctld instance and receives script output back.

lsctl is just a few lines, since it uses the Tcl_Main call. Tcl_Main is provided by TCL for building a custom TCL interpreter quickly and does argument parsing and interpreter setup (tclsh is actually just Tcl_Main call).

The other way to use lsdn-tclext is as a regular TCL extension, from tclsh. pkgIndex.tcl is provided by LSDN and so LSDN can be loaded using the require command.

Test Environment

Our test environment is highly modular, extremely powerful, easy to use and without any complex dependencies. Thus it is easily extensible even for outsiders and people beginning with the project.


The core of the environment is CTest testing tool from CMake. It provides a very nice way how to define all the tests in a modular way. We create test parts which can be combined together for one complex test. This means that you can for example say that you want to use geneve as a backend for the network, you want to test migrate which means that the migration of virtual machines will be tested and as a verifier use ping. CTest configuration file is called CMakeLists.txt and tests composed from parts can be added with test_parts(...) command. Examples follow, starting with the example described above:

test_parts(geneve migrate ping)

For vlan and dhcp test:

test_parts(vlan dhcp)

For backend without tunnelling, migration with daemon’s help keeping the state in memory and ping:

test_parts(direct migrate-daemon ping)

For complete list of all tests see CMakeLists.txt in the test directory and all parts usable to create complex tests are in test/parts. To run all the tests inside the CTest testing tool just go to test folder and run



In the previous section we described the big picture of tests execution. Now we will describe what part is and how to define it. Part is a simple bash script defining functions according to prescribed API for our test environment.

Function prepare() is used for establishing the physical network environment unrelated to the virtual network we would like to manage. These are “wires” we will use for our virtual networking.

connect() is the main phase for setting the virtual network environment. LSDN is usually used in this function for configuring all the virtual interfaces and virtual network appliances.

To test if the applied configuration is working, i.e. it has the expected behavior, function test() is used. Most often ping is used here, but you can use anything for testing the functionality.

If you want to do some special cleanup you can use cleanup() function.

Back to the part primitive - you can combine various parts together but every rational test should define all the described functions no matter how many parts are used.

CTest is pretty good at automated execution of complete tests but if you want to debug the test or execute just part of it there is a run script. This script allows you to execute just selected stages and combine parts in a comfortable way. It’s usage is self-explanatory:

        ./run -xpctz [parts]
  -x  trace all commands
  -p  run the prepare stage
  -c  run the connect stage
  -t  run the test stage
  -z  run the cleanup stage

Thus for running a test for the example from the beginning, but just using the connect and prepare stages you can call:

./run -pc geneve migrate ping


Because we are dependent on fairly new versions of the Linux Kernel we provide scripts for executing tests in a virtualized environment. This is useful when you use some traditional Linux distribution like Ubuntu with older kernel and you do not want to compile or install custom recent kernel.

As a hypervisor we use QEMU with Arch Linux user-space. Here are several steps you need to follow for the execution in QEMU:

  1. Download actual Linux Kernel to $linux-path.
  2. Run ./create_kernel.sh $linux-path. This will generate valid kernel with our custom .config file.
  3. Run ./create_rootfs.sh which will create the user-space for virtual machine with all dependencies. Here you need pacman for downloading all the packages.
  4. Run ./run-qemu $kernel-path $userspace-path all which will execute all tests and shut down.

run-qemu script is much more powerful and you can run all the examples described above together with debugging in the shell inside that virtual machine. The usage is following:

usage: run-qemu [--help] [--kvm] [--gdb] kernel rootfs guest-command

Available guest commands: shell, raw-shell, all.

shell will execute just a shell and leave the test execution up to you and raw-shell is just for debugging the virtual machine user-space because it will not mount needed directories for tests. all executes all the tests as we have already shown above.