Lsctl Configuration Files

LSDN has its own configuration language for describing the network topology. If you saw the Quick-Start or Network representation sections, you have already seen examples of the configuration files.


The configuration syntax is actually based on the TCL language – but you do not have to be afraid, this guide is self-contained. You might not even guess TCL is there if we did not tell you. However, it is good to know TCL is there if you need more advanced stuff, like variable substitution or loops. And if you know TCL, you will recognize some of the conventions and feel at home.

The only downside is that you have to include a short boilerplate at the top of each configuration file to tell TCL that you don’t want to prefix everything with lsdn::. Start your configuration file with this line:

namespace import lsdn::*

The configuration file itself is a list of directives that tell LSDN what objects the network consists of, how they are configured and how they connect. The directives are terminated by a newline. Other white-space is not significant. All available directives are listed in section Directive reference.

All LSDN directives follow the same basic patterns. They start with the directive name (for example net or settings) and are followed with argument for that directive. Directives and their arguments are separated by white-space. Some directives go without an argument. Other directives make use of named arguments (or as they are called in some languages “keyword arguments”):

directiveWithNamedArgs -opt1 value1 -opt2 value2 -opt3WithoutAnyValue

The directives may combine named and regular arguments. In that case, consult the documentation for the particular directive, if the regular (non-keyword) arguments should be placed before or after the keyword ones.

If you need the directive to span multiple lines, use the backslash \ continuation character as you do in shell:

virt -name critical_server_with_unknown_purpose -if enps0 \
    -mac F9:9B:81:C2:66:F9 -net service_net


Objects (physical machines, virtual machines etc.) in LSCTL are given names, to allow you to refer to them later. The name must be given when a configuration directive is used to create an object. You are free to choose any name you like, as the names do not have any direct impact on the network.

Please note that forward references are not allowed, because in its core LSCTL is a procedural language. For example, this snippet will not work:

virt -net test
net -vid 1 test {}

Any directive referencing an undefined object will return an error like this:

can not find network

The order must be swapped like this:

net -vid 1 test {}
virt -net test

If a directive references an undefined object, it will print a stack-trace and the script execution will end.


Some directives may also contain other directives. In that case, the nested directives are enclosed in curly-braces {} following the parent directive like this [1]:

phys -name p
net 42 {
    virt -name a -phys p
    attach p

Nested directives are used to simplify definition of related elements. The example above specifies a virtual machine a connected to network 42. The connection is implied from the nesting. The nesting is quite flexible and you can decide to use a style that most suits you and that reflects organization of your network. An equivalent way to write the example above would be:

phys -name p
net 42
virt -name a -net 42 -phys p
attach -phys p -net 42


net 42
phys -name p {
    virt -name a -net 42
attach -phys p -net 42


net 42 {
    phys -name p {
        virt -name a

Note that there is no need for attach in the last example, since nesting took care of it for us.

In general, nesting can be used anywhere you would otherwise have to specify a relationship using arguments. Other nestings are disallowed. The supported nestings are:

  • virt in net = virt will be connected to the net
  • virt in phys = virt will be connected at this phys
  • net in phys = phys will be attached to the net
  • phys in net = phys will be attached to the net
  • attach in net = net will be attached to phys given as argument
  • attach in phys = nets given as arguments will be attached to phys
  • detach follows the same rules
  • claimLocal in phys = phys will be claimed as local

Some directives are only settings for one object (and do not imply any relationship). These are the rate (for virt QoS) and rules (for virt firewall) directives. They must be nested under a virt directive.


[1]If you are familiar with TCL, you will recognize this is how TCL control-flow commands work.

Argument types


An integer number, given as string of digits optionally prefixed with a sign. LSCTL recognizes the 0x prefix for hexadecimal and 0 for octal integers.


String arguments in LSCTL are given the same way as in shell - they don’t need to be quoted. Mostly they are used for names, so there is no need to give string arguments containing spaces.

If you want to give a directive an argument containing spaces, newlines or curly brackets, simply enclose the argument in double-quotes. If you want the argument to contain double-quotes, backslash or dollar sign, precede the character with backslash:

virt -name "really\$bad\\idea
on so many levels"

If you need the full syntax definition, refer to man tcl.n on your system.


Either in or out. in is for packets entering the virtual machine, out is for packets leaving the virtual machine.


IP address, either IPv6 or IPv4. Common IPv6 and IPv4 formats are supported.

For exact specification, refer to inet_pton function in C library.



IP address optionally followed by / and prefix size. If the prefix size is not given, it is equivalent to 128 for IPv6 and 32 for IPv4, that is subnet containing the single IP address.

Instead of writing a prefix after the /, a network mask can be given, using the same format as for the IP address.



MAC address in octal format. Both addresses with colons and without colons are supported, as long as the colons are consistent. Case-insensitive


An unsigned decimal integer specifying a number of bytes. Suffices kb, mb, gb and bit, kbit, mbit, gbit can be given to change the unit. All units are 1024-base (not 1000), despite their SI names. This is for compatibility with the tc tool from iproute package, which uses the same units.


An unsigned decimal integer specifying a number of bytes per second.

Supported units are the same as for size.

Directive reference

net name -vid -settings -phys -remove { … }

Define new virtual network or change an existing one.

C API equivalents: lsdn_net_new(), lsdn_net_by_name().

  • vid (int) – Virtual network identifier. Network technologies like VXLANs or VLANs use these numbers to separate different networks. The ID must be unique among all networks of the same network type. The parameter is forbidden if network already exists. The permissible range of network identifiers differs for individual network types (see Network representation).
  • name (string) – Name of the network. Does not change network behavior, only used by the configuration to refer to the network. However, if the -vid argument is not specified, this name argument will also specify the vid.
  • phys (string) – Optional name of a phys you want to attach to this network. Shorthand for using the attach directive. Can not be used when nested inside phys directive.
  • settings (string) – Optional name of a previously defined settings, specifying the network overlay type (VLAN, VXLAN etc.). If not given, the default settings will be used. Settings of existing net can not be changed.
  • remove – Optional, remove the network. This will effectively also remove any child object (e.g. any virt inside this network).
  • none – This directive can appear at root level.
  • phys – Automatically attaches the parent phys to this network. Shorthand for using the attach directive.
phys -name -if -ip -net -remove -ifClear -ipClear

Define a new physical machine or change an existing one.

C API equivalents: lsdn_phys_new(), lsdn_phys_by_name().

  • name (string) – Optional, name of the physical machine. Does not change network behavior, only used by the configuration to refer to the phys.
  • if (string) – Optional, set the network interface name this phys uses to communicate with the physical network.
  • ip (ip) – Optional, set the IP address assigned to the phys on the physical network.
  • net (string) – Optional, name of a net you want this phys to attach to. Shorthand for using the attach directive. Can not be used when nested inside net directive.
  • remove – Optional, remove the physical machine. This will effectively also disconnect any virt residing on this machine.
  • ifClear – Optional, clear the machine’s interface name, if any.
  • ipClear – Optional, clear the IP address of the phys, if any.
  • none – This directive can appear at root level.
  • net – Automatically attaches this phys to the parent network. Shorthand for using the attach directive.
virt -net -name -mac -phys -if -remove -macClear

Define a new virtual machine or change an existing one.

C API equivalents: lsdn_virt_new(), lsdn_virt_by_name().

  • net (string) – The virtual network this virt should be part of. Mandatory if creating new virt, forbidden if changing an existing one. Forbidden if nested inside net.
  • name (string) – Optional, name of the virtual machine. Does not change network behavior, only used by the configuration to refer to this virt.
  • mac (mac) – Optional, MAC address used by the virtual machine.
  • phys (string) – Optional, connect (or migrate, if already connected) at a given phys.
  • if (string) – Set the network interface used by the virtual machine to connect at the phys. Mandatory, if -phys argument was used.
  • remove – Optional, remove the virtual machine.
  • macClear – Optional, clear the virtual machine’s MAC address, if any.
  • none – This directive can appear at root level.
  • net – Equivalent with giving the -net parameter and thus mutually exclusive.
  • phys – Equivalent with giving the -phys parameter and thus mutually exclusive
attach -phys -net
attach -phys netlist
attach -net physlist

Attaches a given physical machine(s) to a virtual network(s). The command can either attach a single phys to a single net (using the -phys and -net arguments) or to multiple nets at once (using the -phys argument and positional arguments) or attach multiple physes to a single network (using the -net argument and positional arguments).

If scoped, the -net or -phys arguments are implicit, so you can easily attach a phys to multiple nets like this:

phys test {
    attach net1 net2
  • root – This directive can appear at root level.
  • net – Equivalent with giving the -net parameter and thus mutually exclusive.
  • phys – Equivalent with giving the -phys parameter and thus mutually exclusive
detach -phys -net
detach -phys netlist
detach -net physlist

Detaches the virtual networks from physical machines. See attach for syntax of the command.

rule direction prio action -srcIp -dstIp -srcMac -dstMac

Add a new firewall rule for a given virt. The rule applies if all the matches specified by the arguments are satisfied.

C API equivalents: lsdn_vr_new() and other functions (see Rules engine)

  • direction (direction) – Direction of the packets.
  • prio (int) – Priority of the rule. Rules with lower numbers are matched first.
  • action (string) – Currently only drop action is supported.
  • srcIp (subNet) – Match if the source IP address of the packet is in the given subnet.
  • dstIp (subNet) – Match if the destination IP address of the packet is in the given subnet.
  • srcMac (mac) – Match if the source MAC address of the packet is equal to the given one.
  • dstMac (mac) – Match if the source MAC address of the packet is equal to the given one.
  • virt – Only allowed in a virt scope.

Remove all virt firewall rules defined by rule previously.

  • virt – Only allowed in a virt scope.
rate direction -avg -burst -burstRate

Limit bandwidth in a given direction. If no arguments are given, all limits are lifted.

C API equivalents: lsdn_virt_set_rate_in(), lsdn_virt_set_rate_out(), lsdn_virt_clear_rate_in(), lsdn_virt_clear_rate_out().

  • direction (direction) – Direction to limit.
  • avg (speed) – Average speed allowed.
  • burstRate (speed) – Higher speed allowed during short bursts.
  • burst (size) – Size of the burst during which higher speeds are allowed.
  • virt – Only allowed in a virt scope.
claimLocal -phys

Inform LSDN that it is running on this physical machine.

You might want to distribute the same configuration file to all physical machines, just with different physical machines claimed as local. You can use the following command to allow the control of the local phys using the first command-line argument to the script:

claimLocal [lindex $argv 0]

After that, invoke lsctl like this:

lsctl <your script> <local phys>

C API equivalents: lsdn_phys_claim_local().

  • phys (string) – The phys to mark as local.
  • none – This directive can appear at root level.
  • phys – Equivalent to specifying the -phys parameter.
settings type

Set a network overlay type for newly defined networks. Use one of the concrete overloads below.

settings direct -name

Do not use any network separation.

See No tunneling for more details.

  • name (string) – Optional, creates a non-default named setting. Use the net -setting argument to select.
  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.
settings vlan -name

Use VLAN tagging to separate networks.

See VLAN for more details.

  • name (string) – Optional, creates a non-default named setting. Use the net -setting argument to select.
  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.
settings vxlan/mcast -name -mcastIp -port

Use VXLAN tunnelling with automatic setup using multicast.

See Multicast VXLAN for more details.

  • name (string) – Optional, creates a non-default named setting. Use the net -setting argument to select.
  • mcastIp (ip) – Mandatory, the IP address used for VXLAN broadcast communication. Must be a valid multicast IP address.
  • port (int) – Optional, the UDP port used for VXLAN communication.
  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.
settings vxlan/e2e -name -port

Use VXLAN tunnelling with endpoint-to-endpoint communication and MAC learning.

See Endpoint-to-Endpoint VXLAN for more details.

  • name (string) – Optional, creates a non-default named setting. Use the net -setting argument to select.
  • port (int) – Optional, the UDP port used for VXLAN communication.
  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.
settings vxlan/static -name -port

Use VXLAN tunnelling with fully static setup.

See Fully static VXLAN for more details.

  • name (string) – Optional, creates a non-default named setting. Use the net -setting argument to select.
  • port (int) – Optional, the UDP port used for VXLAN communication.
  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.
settings geneve -name -port

Use Geneve tunnelling with fully static setup.

See Geneve for more details.

  • name (string) – Optional, creates a non-default named setting. Use the net -setting argument to select.
  • port (int) – Optional, the UDP port used for Geneve communication.
  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.

Apply all changes done so far. This will usually be located at the end of each LSCTL script.

If the validation or commit fails, the errors will be printed to stderr and the directive will end with an error. The script will be terminated.

C API equivalents: lsdn_commit()

  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.

Check the network model for errors.

If the validation fails, the errors will be printed to stderr and the directive will end with an error. The script will be terminated.

C API equivalents: lsdn_validate()

  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.

Revert all changes done so far.

If the cleanup fails, the errors will be printed to stderr and the directive will end with an error. The script will be terminated.

C API equivalents: lsdn_context_cleanup()

  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.
show -tcl -json

Show the network model so far. Shows even changes that are not yet commited.

  • tcl – Dump the network model in LSCTL format.
  • json – Dump the network model in JSON format.

C API equivalents: lsdn_dump_context_tcl(), lsdn_dump_context_json().

  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.

Free all the resources used by LSDN, but do not revert the changes. This is useful for memory leak debugging (Valgrind etc.).

C API equivalents: lsdn_context_free()

  • none – This directive can only appear at root level.

Command-line tools

The LSCTL configuration language is accepted by the command-line tools lsctl and lsctld. The one you should choose depends on your use-case. lsctl is used for simple run-and-forget configuration, while lsctld runs in the background and supports virtual machine migration and other types of network evolution.

Using lsctl

Run lsctl with the name of your configuration script like this:

lsctl my_configuration.lsctl

You can also pass additional arguments to lsctl, which will be all available in the $argv variable. See claimLocal for an example use.

If you run lsctl without arguments, you will receive an interactive shell, where you can enter directives one after another.

Using lsctld and lsctlc

If you want to migrate machines, you have to keep a lsctld daemon running in the background, so that it can remember the current state of the network and make changes appropriately. You can send new configuration directives to the daemon using the lsctlc command.

First, let’s decide on the location of the control socket for lsctld. lsctld uses a regular Unix socket that can be located anywhere on the file-system, so let’s use /var/run/lsdn:

lsctld -s /var/run/lsdn

Afterwards, commands can be sent to lsctld using lsctlc. Either pass them on standard input:

cat my_configuration.lsctl | lsctlc /var/run/lsdn

Or directly on the command-line:

lsctlc /var/run/lsdn virt -name vm1 -phys b -net customer
lsctlc /var/run/lsdn commit

lsctld can be controlled with the following options:

--socket, -s

Specify the location of the Unix control socket (mandatory).

--pidfile, -p

Specify the location of the PID file. lsctld will use the PID file to prevent multiple instances from running and it can be used for daemon management.

If the option is not specified, no PID file will be created.


Run in foreground, do not daemonize.

TCL extension (tclsh)

Instead of using the lsctl command-line tool, you can use TCL directly and load LSDN as an extension. This will allow you to combine LSDN with larger TCL programs and run it using tclsh. This can be done using the regular TCL means:

package require lsdn
namespace import lsdn::*

net test { ... }